Thursday 3 September 2009

That 405

Have now done almost exactly 18000kms in the 9 months since I bought the 405. I have been rather surprised at the lack of trouble.
An indicator cover fell off. Seems to fix this you have to buy a new indicator unit. So I did, it was cheap, easy to find and even easier to fit.
So not many problems...
The 405 also uses far less petrol than I would have thought possible. Certainly very much less than the SAAB 900i it replaced, but amazingly also slightly less than my 320i. So much for 20 years of advancement...ok, to be fair I tend to drive the BMW differently.
It got faster too. Seemed the engine just needed to be loosened up little. It is actually a very nice engine that, typically peaky like all SOHC 8 valvers of the time, but relatively smooth and pretty eager. I like it. It is however about the only eager thing about this car which I must admit is otherwise rather boring.

This may come as no surprise to the reader.
I of course grew up in a land denied cars like this and so can never quite shake the idea that this is an exotic car. I feel like this about most Peugeots and Citroens. (and '80s Renaults for that matter.) Yes, I know it is silly. There is nothing exotic about the 405. It doesnt even have the traditional French flair, or insanity for that matter. So far its been laughably simple to work on.

What a surprise eh? A simple, honest, straightforward, get you from A-to-B sedan. With a nice engine and slightly more power than its handling can cope with.

So I'm selling it...