Monday 6 May 2013

Now thats a small computer. HTPC anyone?

A lot of what I watch on TV is from the internet, in avi format etc or not even a TV program. Youtube, Google maps, photos and such. In other words I find myself wanting a computer connected to my TV. Now I've watched downloaded .avis for a long time - and I refuse to sit and do it on my PC because I am not a teenager, so I have tried various other approaches. Many years ago I even had a huge noisy tower PC connected to my TV setup - it was the easiest/cheapest way of watching DVDs at the time (South Africa, long story) - but subsequently I've tried more civilized methods like DivX DVD players or even USB compatible models and these have worked to a acceptable degree. This all culminated in the purchase of a PS3 three years ago. An excellent media device and cost-effective (at the time) Bluray player.
And I have never gotten around to building a proper HTPC as such. (Unless I count my fulltower AMD K6 based DVD playing monster of the 90s.) They have always seemed too expensive, too big and too noisy. And recently, not powerful enough - the PS3 narrowly beat out a Asus EEE nettop. (No optical drive and I am suspicious of Atoms...)
Yet here I have so something that could be called an HTPC. Its tiny, its silent and it cost me about $50.
An Android minipc it calls itself....essentially a smartphone minus the screen and battery, i.e the expensive bits. A9 dual core CPU and 1GB RAM putting it on par with a typical  2011 smartphone, think iPhone 4S or Samsung Galaxy S2.
It runs some variant of Android 4.1 and so far seems to work perfectly.  Its fast enough and played Youtube HD beautifully. Amazingly my Logitech 2.4ghz wireless keyboard worked straight away. I chose the cheaper non-bluetooth version and so have two USB ports, a microSD reader, Wifi and a miniHDMI port that obviously also handles the sound.  Which seems to work fine as well. So far Ive connected it to my 23" Benq LED screen that serves as a bedroom "TV"  (yes I know, disgusting first world habit, multiple TVs...).
More tests will follow. I am specifically interested in streaming avis via SMB (vs DLNA) and image quality on a real TV.
In this general spirit of Androidness I even made this blog post on my Galaxy Note, which I can say was a plague.  Be fun to see how the formatting turns out...
(Edit 2013-05-06 - Fixed formatting on PC...)

Thursday 2 May 2013

Childhood hero

When I was rather young I saw this magazine:
Quite a long time ago if you note the date. The cover article sparked a near long interest in that car. The more I read and learnt the more I wanted one, a 535i manual with cross-spoke wheels.
Years of reading about E34s and the mighty M30 straight six did little to dampen this. Getting a e30 316i in 2002 and learning the joys of RWD didn't harm it either.
Until finally many years later:
My own 1988 (March or April for that matter) 535i manual, with cross spoke BBS wheels. A lifelong dream fulfilled or meeting a childhood hero? 
They say you never should and in many ways its been a mixed bad. I still find the car beautiful and the M30 is an even more magnificent engine then I had imagined. However its not quite the dynamic paragon I had hoped, its magnificent but not fun as such. Its fast but not quick. In the confined driving environment here its mighty and intimidating. While it was in for a recent service I was lent a lovely late model E36 316i compact (the 1.9 M43 model) and honestly it was more fun. Not as good to look at, to sit in, to start, to hear, or to tell people you own, but honestly more fun to drive.
That combined with the effort and expense of owning a "summer only" car, makes me being to wonder if what I really want a simpler, lighter, more sporting second car. A traditional lightweight sports car?
Is this turning ones back on a childhood hero, or merely achieving a life goal and then moving on? 

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Before and After - Fuji S3 Pro sensor clean

Recently acquired an old Fuji Finepix S3 Pro DSLR camera. Several years old and probably never seen any maintenance. Noticed black spots on most but not all the images - have been trying the camera with 3 different lenses and it was far more apparent on certain lenses than others, typically most visible on wider zoom angles and smaller apertures. All this and some Google-assisted deduction led me to believe it was dirt on the actual sensor. (Fuji's so called SuperCCD in this case.)
Finally got my cleaning kit last night and tried it out (more pics of that job later).

Quite horrible...
and After:
Both pics taken with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm "kit" lens - the lens that worst showed the dirt.
